ACG Comics images © Roger Broughton 2009
As usual, click on the thumbnail images below for the NICE BIG PICTURES!
I've also added links below to download the whole story at once! Let me know which options you like, okay?

I fell in love with Dan Gordon's work a few years ago when I found his work on the covers of some old tattered back issues of Ha Ha Comics in a used bookstore in Dayton Ohio. But I had no idea who had done them because they are unsigned. Only after seeing a lot of his work recently in a stack of Giggle Comics and Cookie Comics did I realize that they were done by the same guy. I first heard the name "Dan Gordon" a few months back in an article by John K at his amazing blog. There were also some follow-up links that sprouted in the wake of that article. Follow the links below for more info and lots of scans of Dan's Superkatt series that he did for Giggle comics in the 1940's.
UPDATE: There are lots MORE Dan Gordon comics on this blog to look at and to download!
Take a look at these stories here:
COOKIE Comics FIRST Issue #1 by Dan Gordon
DOPEY DOGG by Dan Gordon from ACG Giggle Comics #8
MORE Dan Gordon Comics - Funny Films #1
ALL Dan Gordon stories in one place HERE
More info on Dan Gordon at these links...
all kinds of stuff: Dan Gordon and what makes a cartoonist
ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive: Comics: Dan Gordon's Superkatt
Mucho thanks to Aussie500 who scanned these comics and posted them up at http://goldenagecomics.co.uk
...or, more specifically: http://goldenagecomics.co.uk/index.php?cid=123
If you want to download a PDF file with ALL the Dan Gordon art from Cookie #20, click HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/view/3yqzm3mzke9/Cookie_20_-dang_only.pdf
If you'd like to download the whole comic (non-Dan G. backup stories included) in .cbz format, click HERE:
--If you don't know how to view a .cbz file, it's easy. Read about it HERE. http://nosheep.net/story/digital-comics-unleashed-cbrcbz/
There are 55 issues of the "Cookie" comic series posted at http://goldenagecomics.co.uk, (or more specifically: http://goldenagecomics.co.uk/index.php?cid=123 )along with hundreds (probably thousands) of other unusual golden age comic delicacies! ****************** Please NOTE that you have to register at http://goldenagecomics.co.uk BEFORE they let you download from their website. And THEN you gotta make sure to log in (I wish they made it a little easier...) They allow users to download 100 files per day or 2Gigs of bandwidth, whichever comes first. Sometimes when they say you've used up your bandwidth for the day, you have to wait until the next day to download again. But even then you might need to log out and log back in again. It's a little hinky, but now I'm in the habit of visiting once a day and grabbing what I like. I also get corrupted downloads when I use a download manager like iGetter and FlashGot. If you have any problems with corrupted downloads, just disable any download managers and try again.
Anyway, if I hear from some of you readers that you like these comics, I will post more, and keep posting them as long as there's interest!
Most of the Cookie issues are drawn by Dan Gordon, with other stories by the usual ACG crew. So ENJOY! And --please-- pass this post around so more people can enjoy the work of this fantastic cartoonist.
UPDATE: There's LOTS more comic book scans to look at and download! Click HERE