
Eddie Elephant – 1946 Hallucinogenic Funny Animal Comix by Ellis Holly Chambers

Eddie the Elephant Ellis Holly Chambers HiHo1_02_L Eddie the Elephant Ellis Holly Chambers HiHo1_03_L Eddie the Elephant Ellis Holly Chambers HiHo1_04_L Eddie the Elephant Ellis Holly Chambers HiHo1_05_L Eddie the Elephant Ellis Holly Chambers HiHo1_06_L Eddie the Elephant Ellis Holly Chambers HiHo1_07_L
This story comes from Hi-Ho Comics #1 --- a 1946 comic published by Four Star Publications. It’s filled with 45 pages of insane tripped out comics by H. Chambers. So who is this H. Chambers?
This story comes from Hi-Ho Comics #1 --- a 1946 comic published by Four Star Publications. It’s filled with 45 pages of insane tripped out comics by Ellis Holly ChambersHiHo1_01

Milton Knight
provides some tantalizing information about cartoonist H. Chambers:
“It's Holly Chambers! (Holly was his middle name; I think his first name began with an E.) My late friend, Howie Post, used to share a studio with him and had several vivid tales to tell: he described Chambers as a handsome, charismatic "psychotic" who could walk out with a bar stool and stare down the bartender with a "what are you going to do about it?"

Post also revealed that Chambers was a heroin addict who could shoot up and complete a comic book overnight: "Who needs women when you have this??"
As colorful as his comics, that was Holly Chambers. Howard lost track of him in the 50s, and suspected that he was "rubbed out" by his drug connections.”

Thanks to Milton Knight for that priceless and tantalizing info. It explains a lot – and raises about a million other questions that will probably never be answered.

For LOTS more freaky funny-book vintage comic scans by Ellis Holly Chambers, click on Eddie the Elephant below:

Eddie the Elephant cartoon drawing by Ellis Holly Chambers