Blog Birthday! CartoonSNAP Turns 3

A couple days ago, the CartoonSNAP blog celebrated its 3rd birthday! Take a look at the first tentative step toward bloghood, this photo from my 2002 roadtrip around the great state of Ohio:

I posted that image because I was just experimenting with Blogger for the first time, and I needed something to put on there. Later in the day I posted my "How to Draw SpongeBob" video, which was another "toe-dipping" experiment in video.

I was inspired to start the blog due to two very dear friends: Chris Duffy and Vince Burlapp. Vince was the one who got me to sign up for Blogger in the first place. As a professional movie extra, Vince had plenty of downtime, and he used it to post about his avocational passion: cars! Inspired by his Burlapp Cars blog, I decided to start my own. I threw a couple of posts up there, but didn't know what else to do with it. No direction, no point of view.

Enter Chris Duffy. Chris is the (former) editor of Nickelodeon Magazine, and a great friend and collaborator for nigh on 14 years. Chris started blogging about comics on his "Comic Books Are Interesting Except When They Are Not Interesting." blog.

Chris Duffy - Lover of Comics
I was just starting to trade comic book scans with like-minded comic book lovers, so I decided to steal Chris's approach and start posting comics! My specific point of view was to share not only the old funny animal comics that I love, but also to showcase some of the more obscure, oddball comics that flourished in the golden age days of blurred genres and moonlighting animators.
My favorite kind of funny animal obscurity

Since this blog began I have also  been able to share tutorials on inking and painting, links, drawings, paintings and articles. Just last week I was contacted by the great-niece of a Hal Cooper, a cartoonist whose work was featured here. A couple months ago, the grandchildren of animator Dan Gordon wrote in to thank me for the biography I posted. One obscure golden-age comic book artist whose work I posted contacted me to say that he's been working as a sculptor and professor emeritus at a college in New York; Lou Trakis was very excited to have his comics work dug up after half a century.

Lil Sigmund by Lou Trakis

I've learned that even the most obscure cartoonist has an epic life-story behind them, as well as family and friends who fondly remember them and their work. The best part of all this blogging for the last three years is all the cool friends that I have met both online and in "the real world." It's weird that I have friends across town and across the world that I have never seen face to face (let alone never even heard their voice). But those "blog buddies" are true friends nevertheless, and my life is much richer for having known them.


   It's the back-and-forth with people that are equally passionate about cartooning that makes the effort worthwhile.

Comments are the life-blood of a blog, and the fuel for my continued posting.
I really appreciate that you come by to visit, and I especially appreciate it when you leave a nice note or comment.  Thanks!


  1. GRATZ on 3 years! I don't recall when I "discovered" you, but I've enjoyed your postings ever since.

  2. Thanks, Samantha! I appreciate hearing from you ^_^ Thanks for the B-day wishes

  3. Sherm: Happy birthday to one of the best bloggers in the biz! -- Mykal

  4. Wow. The years have gone by so fast, I'm afraid. I don't even know when I found your blog either, but happy blog birthday and thanks for all the cool stuff you've posted over the years!

  5. Hi Mykal -- Thanks! How you do 4 (or 6?) of these is beyond me...a superhuman effort in service to comic fans the world over ^_^

  6. Hey Groovester...another fellow traveler! Thanks for your Groovy Inspiration!

  7. Hi Roberto...thanks! I'm really glad you like the posts ^_^ Keep on rockin' those cartoon studies!

  8. Happy BlogBirthday!!!

    3 years of always enjoyable stuff!

    Here's to 3 more and counting!!!

  9. Happy 3rd year, Sherm!!! I love checking in here daily. You are an inspiration to me and my blog. Congrats!!!

  10. I see every day your blog, here in Argentina. So happy birthday and keep doing this.

  11. Hi Jeff...I love having you around as one of the "regulars." Thanks so much!

    Chris: That inspiration works both way, pal! Here's best wishes right back atcha and to the ComiCrazys blog!

    Diego: greeting to you! And thank you so much for stopping by every day ^_^

  12. Congrats! Hope it continues for a least another 3 years! You're blog is always a great source of inspiration. :)

  13. Happy Bloggiversary to a fellow Cookie fan!

  14. I almost never comment, sadly, but your blog totally rocks. Thanks much for consistently great stuff--you've learned me more about old funny animal comic artists etc than I ever thought was possible. And since most of these people will never get actual reprints, it's an invaluable piece of our history that might otherwise crumble to dust.

  15. Keep it going, Sherm! Your blog is an invaluable resource.

  16. Happy birthday and congrats on 3 years of blogging! ^-^

  17. Happy slightly belated birthday to Cartoon Snap. I only recently discovered it, but I am wowed by your generosity and knowledge.
    Sometimes we all need a kick in the pants when we're flagging, andI found CS just when I needed that. Thanks, Sherm!
