Hobo Ken from Hoboken – Single Page Comic by…?

From Ha Ha comics #44 comes this little comic featuring Hobo Ken! Get it? Hoboken!
HOBO Ken Ha Ha Comics #44 - Page 49
click on image for a full-sized comic book scan

Talk about high-concept ideas…it’s all there! Based on my previous mistake about the Algy comic, this might be the work of Irv Spector (even though it looks a lot like Dan Gordon). Who do you think is the artist?


  1. HAHAHA. Great gag! Amazing composition in terms of panel arrangement too.

    I guess I'm just a sucker for hobo comics. Got any more?

  2. Hi Ivan...I haven't found any more Hobo-Ken comics yet, but I posted a Jobless Jerry comic at:

    http://cartoonsnap.blogspot.com/2007/10/soapy-sam-howzabout-more-variety-in.htmlThwere's a bunch of other weird comic obscurities at that post. Check it out!

  3. Hi Sherm! I must have overlooked HOBO-KEN way back when. This seems like a weird hybrid. The characters and most of the backgrounds are definitely my Dad's but he never laid out panels like that. The drawing style of the title must be Gordon and the background of the "IDEA" panel must be Gordon as well. A strange visual brew. -- Paul

  4. Hi Sherm! I must have overlooked HOBO-KEN way back when. This seems like a weird hybrid. The characters and most of the backgrounds are definitely my Dad's but he never laid out panels like that. The drawing style of the title must be Gordon and the background of the "IDEA" panel must be Gordon as well. A strange visual brew. -- Paul
