Super Rabbit Comic Book Scans

Here are some super old-timey funny-animal comics that I think you'll dig:

Super Rabbit Vol.1 Number 3 published by Comedy Publications, Inc.

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

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you'll get to see them
with detail like these panels below...

I mean, if I'm gonna bother to scan them,
I might as well do it at a good resolution!

...and you can't really appreciate this beautiful linework unless you see it up close. I'm not sure who the artist is on these stories. Vince Fago is my best guess, but that's based on memory alone because I can't find anything to confirm it. I remember that Vince Fago had a very distinctive lettering style, too...and that lettering shows up in these pages.

I only have this one issue of Super Rabbit, and I haven't been able to find very much info on the Internet. I found this cover (below) which was credited to Vince Fago. If he drew that cover, then he probably drew this story.

More sample panels from Super Rabbit #3

What I have been able to find out is that Super Rabbit was created by Ernie Hart and appeared in the Timely comic book line. Super Rabbit's appearance changed pretty drastically over the course of just a few issues. You can see the morphing of Super Rabbit at this great website that features cover galleries of many Atlas and Timely Comics. This was the publishing house that eventually became Marvel Comics, but in the 1950's they published an enormous range of magazine and comic book styles and genres.

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

Click on any of these pages to see a HUGE 300dpi detailed scan!

UPDATE: There's LOTS more comic book scans to look at and download! Click HERE

More info on Super Rabbit and Timely Comics and Ernie Hart and Vince Fago at:

Toonopedia article on Super Rabbit

Super Rabbit Timely Comics Cover Gallery

ComicArtVille article on Vince Fago and Timely Comics

TwoMorrows Alter-Ego article on Vince Fago

  • ...And if you liked this post, please help me share it (Please CLICK on one or more of the "sharing" links directly below) Thanks! --Sherm


  1. hey Sherm,
    Oh my god, you are my hero! Ive wanted to read one of these for so long , but i dont have the $$$. The covers are great though!

    Yeah, this is definately Vince. I have a great issue of terrytoons from this era that has vince and the other timely guys, I'll post it soon!

  2. Hiya, Charlie...good to hear from you again! I'm really glad you liked the Super Rabbit post...comments like yours make me keep pushing on to post good stuff on a regular basis. I look forward to seeing your post on the Vince Fago Terrytoons comics, and I'd love to see more Jim Tyer comics like the last one you posted. Stay tuned, OK? Talk to you later...--Sherm

  3. I thought `vince Fago was the editor and Al Fago the brother who drew. But I checked and I may have been wrong. Still, Vince took over Peter Rabbit in the late forties in a very subdued style, so who was the lively one of the two?

  4. Now this is who should have led the Pet Avengers!
