Nancy’s Ernie Bushmiller presents: Phil Fumble…unapologetic super-cad!

Phil Fumble looking at girls in bathing suits on the beach Ernie Bushmiller cartoon Fritzi Ritz comic book strip

Here are some more weirdo gag pages from Ernie Bushmiller’s Fritzi Ritz…circa 1949
If you missed the previous post on Ernie Bushmiller and his Pre- Nancy & Sluggo comic strip star, Fritzi Ritzclick right HERE--
Fritzi Ritz Comic by Bushmiller (part1)
 Fritzi Ritz comic book strip Phil Fumble looking at girls in bathing suits on the beach Ernie Bushmiller cartoon

Featuring boyfriend Phil Fumble…the unapologetic super-cad!
Ernie Bushmiller Fritzi Ritz boyfriend Phil Fumble watching the sun set over the hill sunset

I love this silent first panel from the comic page below…
 Fritzi Ritz comic book strip Phil Fumble watches the sunset over a mountain Ernie Bushmiller comic book strip cartoon scan

Click on any page for a BIG full-sized
Ernie Bushmiller comic book scan!

Ernie Bushmiller comic book strip cartoon scan Fritzi Ritz and her boyfriend  Phil Fumble drive on the parkway and talk about billboards and signs
Ernie Bushmiller Fritzi Ritz tries to relax at the beach while boyfriend  Phil Fumble comic book strip cartoon scan
  BIG online archive of Nancy comic strip scans :

1 comment:

  1. These are great jokes and misunderstandings...he sure could draw a girl!
