2-Faced Cigar Guy and Friends: A Doodle Extravaganza


  1. It's been ages since I've read your blog, but your drawings are looking just as great as ever. I've been busy with getting school taken care of and finishing my gap year so I can return to college this Fall. Can one still break into the animation industry without having to go to a school like Cal Arts for "connections." I'm going to probably study some type of engineering with some geology added and then pursue my dream of being a storyboard artist after I've gotten my income and financial stability taken care of.

  2. Hi Roberto -- thanks for the kind words. Good luck in school, and please remember this: Anyone who does great work and markets themselves properly can break into the animation business. You create your own connections through posting your work all over the place, meeting people online and at conventions, and just being friendly and helpful to everyone you meet. If you're getting your work out there where people can see it, and if your work is better than the other artists' work, you'll eventually get that job.

    Good luck!
    -- Sherm

  3. Thank you so much Sherm! I have saved your advice onto my Gmail page. It made me think of the kind of advice I had gotten from John Kricfalusi and some of his friends and basically, they all told me to keep doing what I'm doing with the studies. I still wish I hadn't deleted my old email so I could have posted the advice publicly somewhere to encourage other people, but in the long run, it doesn't really matter. The main thing I learned was how to stay focused and to not waste time arguing with people on cartoon forums.

    I've been drawing more than ever and having a lot of fun too! I was on a drawing hiatus for a couple of months. Lots of stuff going on especially since I moved back in January and having to change colleges for distance purposes.

  4. Just to update you, I finally rebooted my blog up. Here's a sample of what I've been drawing lately and I hope you like these.

    I also said on the blog that although the purpose of my original blog had been fulfilled with all the advice I got, I think having this blog as a portfolio might come in handy in the future. What do you think? I'm probably my own worst critic and find a lot of the stuff I just posted sloppy.

