Li’l Tomboy by Frank Johnson

Li’l Tomboy by Frank Johnson Charlton comic book scans cartoon girl P00001Here’s an extremely well-crafted kids-comic I never heard of before: Li’l Tomboy by Frank Johnson  Li’l Tomboy by Frank Johnson Charlton comic book scans cartoon girl P00003 Li’l Tomboy by Frank Johnson Charlton comic book scans cartoon girl P00004 Li’l Tomboy by Frank Johnson Charlton comic book scans cartoon girl P00005P00007 Li’l Tomboy by Frank Johnson Charlton comic book scans cartoon girl P00008
Very charming drawings, and great clear storytelling. The mom’s nose is kinda freakin’ me out, but otherwise a delicious-ly drawn comic story ^_^
More on Frank Johnson:
…and here’s a little after-comic dessert:
comic book ad miniature dog chihuahua monkey advertisement scan


  1. I LOVE this! This cartoon reminds me of my mother wanting me to wear Buster Brown shoes instead of sneakers, wear a dress instead of jeans, behave like a young lady!
    I didn't want to do sports. I just wanted to be comfortable.

  2. Sherm: Oooh, I'm hating you right now! I was just about to post some Li'l Tomboy. Great stuff, isn't it? Another great post, my friend!

  3. Hey, Sherm!
    I was wondering if you got back to me on my question about drawing comics. My Internet was down for the later half of July and the early half of August so if you posted it already, sorry I wasn't there to respond. And if you haven't yet, its okay. :)

  4. Man,..I remember that ad like it was soon as the package arrived, I opened it up only to have a crazed little monkey running all over the house! He pooped all over my head and made a big mess of things! Those darn Marmosets can really cause havoc in a quiet household!

    It wasn't long before I had the clever idea of going on the road with my lil' Monkey. I taught him to do tricks and we made all kinds of cash on the street corners of Happy Acres, Iowa. My sister grew jealous and my mom told me that I had to let her be part of the show. I gave her a job as the monkey poop cleaner. SOMEONE had to do it.

    Ahhh those were the days. Well, least I thought that's what it would have been like had I got my way and won the monkey. My dad wouldn't let me try to win one unfortunately. What a grouch he was.
