Oh, Brother! A GREAT new Comic Strip Debuts Today!

  There's some exciting news in the world of newspaper comic strips.

Bob Weber Jr. (creator of the adorable Slylock Fox puzzle comic) and Jay Stephens (creator of The Secret Saturdays, Jet Cat, and The Land of Nod) have teamed up to create a new daily strip called "Oh Brother."

cartoon Boy Playing street Hockey


cartoon boy ang girl play checkers

cartoon boy ang girl eat watermelon
Both Bob Weber Jr and Jay Stephens have drawing styles that are super appealing and capture the innocence and fun of being a kid.

I'm totally psyched to see a cute, funny comic strip that's wonderfully well-drawn to boot!

 "Oh Brother" hits newspapers TODAY! June 28... so check out if it's in your local newspaper.

Oh Brother tooth fairy Bob Weber Jr Jay Stephens

Right now you can see a preview of the strips on Bob Weber's Facebook page. You need to be logged in to Facebook to make this work, but the link is http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2028458&id=1122146965

Oh Brother cartoon boy ang girl eat breakfast Bob Weber Jr Jay Stephens

The layouts are very cool...in most strips it looks like it could be split in half to run horizontally, but then I see others (see above) that are built like a comic book page: multiple-tiered, and really taking advantage of the unlimited layout possibilities that a comic could have.

This is the best thing to hit the comics pages since Richard Thompson's Cul-de-Sac!


  1. Sherm: It looks very well drawn, which in and of itself makes in look-worthy! I'm in!!

  2. It's got a great John Stanley feel, and there's not enough John Stanley feeling stuff around. All best of luck with this, Bob and Jay!

  3. I really like it! I actually didn't in the first comic, but I warmed up to it by the fourth! That's amazing!

  4. really nice drawings and humor, I hope this does well, thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for the 'heads-up' on this new strip Sherm. Without hearing about it here I'd have missed it.
    Looks fun!

  6. I'm so happy to see that you guys are excited about this strip as I am. The only strips I can think of that I like are Pearls Before Swine, Cul-de-Sac and Mr. Boffo. I'm super glad to see this comic bucking the "ugly" trend. Viva Oh Brother!

  7. Too bad I don't really read newspapers, especially with all those awful, eyesore comic strips in them, but this looks really exciting and interesting. Thanks for plugging this, Sherm! I hope Oh Brother does well.
