Frank Frazetta - Famous Funnies comic book covers from the 1950’s

Frank Frazetta - Famous Funnies comic book covers from the 1950’s
All of the incredible artwork from Frank Frazetta's Buck Rogers Famous Funnies comic book covers is on display HERE in high-resolution scans:

These nine covers are pure pulp-adventure space-opera masterpieces! Much more of Frazetta 1950’s comic book work is collected in this book:


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  2. I have the portfolio of Frazetta's BUCK ROGERS plates, published in the 70's. And it's one of the treasured items in my collection..

    I'm less a fan of the recent TELLING STORIES book. The color work really abuses the beauty of Frazetta's incredible linework. And if there wasn't such a dearth of books covering Frazetta's comic-book work, I probably wouldn't even own a copy..

    Should've (and could've) been a whole lot better!
