This one is so freaky it’s beyond description.

Hortense the Loveable Brat by Jack Ehret
Click on any page to view a BIG comic book scan!
from Jingle Jangle Comics #22, August 1946
…and check out the new collection of Melvin Monster comics by John Stanley. It’s really a beautiful book…and the comics are FUNNY (and weird)! |
I've been reading the new collection of Melvin Monster comics by John Stanley. It’s really a beautiful book…and the comics are FUNNY (and weird)! |
| What a treasure! I first got turned on to Kurtzman around 1986, when "Harvey Kurtzman’s Jungle Book" was reprinted. When his "Hey Look" collection (of pre-MAD one-page gag comics) came out, it instantly became my favorite book in the world, and my constant cartooning inspiration. It has never left the number one spot on my "Greatest Books Ever" list. |