More ArtRage Success Stories: David, Ryan & Ivan

The most exciting part about making this ArtRage tutorial video series is when I hear from readers that putting these lessons to work in their own paintings and cartoons! Last time we saw the Illustrator and ArtRage work of Julián Hoek , and today I’d like to show off the fine digital painting of three more new ArtRage fans….
David Gale has use ArtRage to experiment in a few different styles! Here’s the latest episode of his Mustard Jar comic, completely colored with ArtRage 2.5 digital paints

Mustard Jar comics by David Gale
Ryan Kramer painted this cartoon title card in ArtRage 2.5

Ryan Kramer Mustache title card

and Ivan Dixon followed the Adobe Illustrator tutorials to ink his Sydney character,
…which he then painted with ArtRage 2.5
(Sydney figure only…background painted in Photoshop)
Thanks to Ivan, Ryan and Dave for sharing their ArtRage paintings!
If you'd like to share your digital art success stories -- along with your art and links to your site -- just leave a comment with your info, or email me at:

sherm (at)

...and replace the (at) with @.

Previous ArtRage Tutorial Videos:

I just finished the next ArtRage video about painting highlights and shadows on SpongeBob, and it will be coming up NEXT post!
SpongeBob ArtRage 2.5 digital painting video highlights and shadows
See you then!


  1. Great paintings there, also man, i want to thank you for the tutorials on Artrage, the software is awesome, think ill post the finished product when its done, btw great site, you should charge for this.

  2. Hey Joseff!!1 -- I really appreciate your nice comments! I'm gonna try to get more ArtRage tutes up ASAP. Anyway...hearing from artists like you is payment enough! Thanks again.
