Draw Comics - Here's How! A Complete Book on Cartooning by George Leonard Carlson

Draw Comics Heres How Complete Book on Cartooning George Leonard Carlson
Old-School Cartoonist George Carlson shares the wealth of his cartooning skills! Here are the first few pages of his 1933 cartooning course,
Draw Comics! Here's How

Man standing reading newspaper comics Draw Comics Heres How George Carlson
The study of cartooning and comic-picture making is a many-sided subject. With this in view, the author has endeavored to make the following work as complete and practical as limited space would allow
How to begin and what to use...
Essential Drawing Materials Draw Comics Here's How Cartooning George Carlson
Pens pencils india ink paper materials art supplies cartooning Draw Comics George Carlson
 How to begin and what to use Cartoonist sitting at drawing table with pens brushes ink paper
How to Draw Cartoons With Pen and Ink
Pen strokes inking How to hold a dip pen Draw Comics George Carlson
How to hold a dip pen Draw Comics George Carlson
Pen strokes inking How to Draw Comics Cartooning Book George Carlson
Draw with confidence How to be a Cartoonist by George Carlson
inking How to Draw Comics with an old school dip pen George Carlson
How to Resize Drawings with an Old-School Pantograph
reducing enlarging drawing How to use a Pantograph George Carlson
Some George Carlson comic book scans at:

Of course, there's a LOT more pages to this book...I'll keep scanning and posting them -- so keep your eyes peeled for the next installment of George Carlson's Classic Cartooning Course!


  1. Very interesting. I've never seen a pantograph before. I want one!

    The advice about line weight is rather bewildering!

  2. Man, uncle Sherm I'd never be able to resize it like that, I suck with those graphs. Though I suppose it is un avoidable? But now ther4e is flash, who cares I'm still gonna try it!

  3. I don't think I could handle that pantograph gadget very well...I'm so glad we have Xerox machines and Photoshop for resizing!

  4. hey sherm,
    your book character design just arrived at my house today.. great stuff!

  5. Hey Jordan...thanks! I don't get to hear from readers of my book very often, so it's a really good ego-boost for the middle-of-the-week blahs.

    Thanks for the shout! ^_^ sherm

  6. I work with nibs...it would never occur to me to light a flame under a new one and sharpen it on a block. Whoa. Looks like I hold my hand in the cramped position, too. Rats. I do have a window in my studio in the correct place. So there's a start.

    These are some great page designs. I love when cartoon construction books are hand-lettered and actually inked out.

  7. I totally agree about the hand-lettering. That's one of my favorite things about Richard Williams' Animator's Survival Kit.

    The flame trick on the pen nibs still works...it supposedly burns off the oil leftover from the manufacturing process.

  8. i've never tried the sharpening stone, might have to check that out. the flame trick definitely works, you can feel an oily residue on a new nib and you dont want that mixing with the ink.

  9. Hi Jesse...I once tried using fine sandpaper on some nibs, but got mixed results. I used to use the Speedball C5 - a pretty heavy-duty trooper that could vary the line weight just by changing the angle of the pen

  10. Sherm ... I love this stuff ... thanks for finding and sharing ...

    I've read a lot of the how-to cartoon books, but this is one I've never seen ...

    Of course, as some point, it can all be overwhelming ... your post inspired me to write my own little checklist to help me remember all this stuff I learn ...


  11. Wow! I have this book! Bought it at a flea market like, 30 years ago! never knew anyone else knew of this book! Thanks!
