Secret Sketchbook Scribbles by Sherm

Sherm Sketchbook 003 cartoon face
I don't keep a "real" sketchbook in the strictest sense of the word. I scribble and doodle on Post-its and scraps of paper because my mind and pen can wander freely ...without worrying about it being permanently in a book.
Then I paste them onto 8 1/2 x 11 paper, punch holes and stick 'em in a binder. Boom. Sketchbook.
Sherm Sketchbook 001
Apparently I really like drawing big noses.
Sherm Sketchbook 010 dinosaur caveman
CartoonSNAP regulars FrankenBarry, Chris Allison and Julian Hoek asked to see some more sketches, so here they are...
Sherm Sketchbook 007 cartoon characters
Some of these go back to SpongeBob days...
...always fun to draw those guys off-model ^_^
I'm not sure what all this means, but there it is!
Sherm Sketchbook 004 cartoon kid Sherm Sketchbook 002 cartoon rabbit


  1. the last one should have its own show!

  2. I love your Mr. Crabs. And I agree, the bunny is cool.

  3. guys really like that rabbit, huh? Thanks!

    I wonder what his name is...?

  4. Great sketches (I like the bunny too)

  5. Fun doodles, Sherm! I agree a sketchbook can be a bit intimidating. Thank goodness you didn't lose this in the trash bin, though. Love the off-model stuff.

  6. Hey Larry-Bob-David-Duncan -- I'm happy to see that you like 'em! I was keeping these doodles around for my own amusement (and for potential idea-starters) but I'm glad to know they're suitable for posting as well ^_^

    I've got a lot more, so maybe I'll make it a weekly thing. You guys are swell!

  7. Great stuff, Sherm... thanks for sharing these! I'm with you on the sketchbook thing – I do my best sketching on Post-its, and scraps. When I try to work in one of those fancy sketchbooks I tighten up, and lose all sense of spontaneity. Yeah, a weekly sketch post would be cool!

  8. that squidward mr crabs drawing is hilarious

  9. Hey Ryan...thanks! After drawing those guys "on-model" for so long, my doodling-mind loves to take those characters to strange places...

  10. oh boy, that's pure cartoon magic!!
    i love these sketches sherm! big noses=fun i guess and what a great character that cave man is!
    also nice theory about not having a sketchbook.

    yeah, post your sketches weekly !

  11. Hi Julian...I'm glad you like those sketches! regading sketchbooks: I'm amazed at people who have a bunch of filled, bound sketchbooks...all I'm saying is it ain't for me. Give me the freedom of a Post-It note anyday ^_^
