Storyboard Documentary Tells it Like it Is

David Nethery has posted a great little documentary on the use of storyboards in animation for story development and live action filmmaking. Click on the image below to watch this thirteen-minute storyboarding movie over at

Art of the Storyboard documentary Walt Disney Eric Goldberg
Click on the photo to watch the video

This is a very insightful and surprisingly accurate film on the art, craft and importance of storyboarding. I was glad to see they mention that throwing stuff out and starting over is a big part of the creative process. It's not about pretty drawings -- it's about communication.
I had never seen this before, so I'm sure glad that David shared it on his Hand-Drawn Animation Blog. Thanks David!


  1. The link doesn't work here...unfortunately!

  2. Hi David...I just fixed the link, so if you click on the photo you should go to the video on Google Video. If you click the links in the paragraph at the top of the post, you can watch it on David Nethery's blog. Hope it works for you now. Thanks for letting me know!
