Storyboard Central is a Fabulous Showcase

haunted house storyboard art
Leif Peng -- proprietor of the famous Today's Inspiration blog -- has launched a new blog showcasing the rarely-seen drawings of commercial and live-action storyboard artists.
storyboarding panel downshot on city and highway

Leif describes the new storyboard blog as,

Part 'History of', part showcase, part bitch fest... a place for those interested in the fine art of the comp and storyboard - especially as they are used in advertising
car commercial storyboard art

The blog is only a couple weeks old,
but as you can see from these pictures, it's already packed with a ton of storyboard and development drawings that would otherwise never see the light of day.

haunted house storyboard art drawings

Meanwhile, back on Leif's Today's Inspiration blog, he has posted a great old magazine piece on the art of storyboarding called Storyboards: A New and Challenging Field.

storyboard man watching tv

Great stuff! Hey Leif -- thanks for sharing!


  1. Many thanks for that great write-up, Sherm!

    Best - Leif :^)

  2. Hi Leif -- it's my pleasure. Thanks for sharing your amazing art collection!
